Dental Contouring And Tooth Reshaping By Plano Cosmetic Dentists

There are certain small defects that will interfere with your pleasant smile. Some of these are obtained and others are natural. It is up to the victim to decide whether the cosmetic treatment by tooth reshaping is appropriate for them. These are very fine defects that are hard to detect by the bare hands. Since the procedures are minor, the price is reduced. Little things tend to be assumed but they contribute a great deal to the smile appearance. Dental contouring will treat defects like irregularly shaped and slightly overlapping teeth, pointy cuspids and tiny chips on the teeth surface. Cosmetic dentists will offer these dental contouring and reshaping services.

Tooth Reshaping

This is a technique by dentists directed towards a better look of the teeth. It involves removal of small enamel chips from the teeth surface to attain the desired shape. The changes are small because the cosmetic dentist is limited to the enamel thickness. However, when done properly, a perfect smile can be obtained. Bonding is incorporated in teeth reshaping most of the times for the teeth that may require extensions. The teeth color can also be restored by adding the bonding material on the enamel surface.

What is consisted in Dental Contouring?

A specialist is needed to do this delicate piece of work. It corrects small defects which translates that adding small defects will make the defect double worse. The best cosmetic dentist for the job should be first sought. Abrasion instruments and dental instruments are used with great care.  X-ray images may be necessary before undertaking the treatments. This is to ensure that proper health of the teeth. The dentist first marks using a pen the areas to be cut off. Sculpting is then done by use of sanding instruments. This involves artfully eliminating or minimizing the enamel imperfections. Strips that are sand-paper like can also be used to contour teeth sides. The final stage involves teeth polishing and smoothening so that the client feels normal.

The Positives and Negatives of Tooth Contouring and Reshaping

Whenever you are planning to undertake any cosmetic procedure for your teeth, it is important to do some analysis to weigh the cons and the pros of the procedure. You can then make informative decisions that are right for you. On the positive side, tooth reshaping is cheap and painless. It also helps to improve the overall body health by preventing building up of plaque and tartar. This keeps off gum disease. Instead of braces, they work better because they make teeth straight and prevent overlapping.

On the negative side, there are only subtle changes and not drastic changes. Patients who go to the cosmetic dentist plano for tooth reshaping are often frustrated because they expected bigger smile improvements. The patient also puts his/her teeth at a risk of further damage. The teeth sensitivity can be increased and breakages to the teeth can arise.

Are Dental Contouring and Teeth Reshaping the Right Options?

The best people who qualify for the procedures are those that require minor adjustments. These include with pointy teeth, crooked teeth and slightly misaligned teeth. Those with root canals, decaying teeth and unhealthy gums are not the right candidates.