A quick and painless CT scan called the cardiac calcium score measures the amount of calcified atherosclerotic plaque that is present along the patient’s heart. This rating is determined by how much-calcified plaque is present. Long before you show any symptoms suggestive of having a problem in this area, you will be able to learn the state of your cardiovascular health with the help of this cutting-edge screening test. In the United States, coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death since it affects one in every six residents.
The one technique that has been demonstrated to lower the risk of developing the condition more efficiently than any other is cardiovascular disease screening. Your level of risk, which may be assessed with the cardiac calcium scoring test, will be a major factor in deciding the medication that will be most beneficial for you. Your heart’s calcified atherosclerotic plaque will be measured using cardiac computed tomography (CT) by skilled radiologists. They will assess your level of risk based on the information you provide.
What Are The Steps That Need To Be Taken In The Pre-Requisite Process?
An electrocardiogram, commonly known as ECG leads, will be applied to your chest by a CT technician throughout the procedure to help with precise image timing that is synchronized to your heart rate. This is carried out to guarantee that the timing of the photographs is accurate. You won’t feel at all uncomfortable during the CT scan itself, which doesn’t take up much of your time. When a multidetector CT scanner is used for the test, it takes about 15 minutes to complete.
Cardiovascular Calcium Scoring May Be Advantageous To Whom?
It has been proven that the CACS can be used to help predict a person’s likelihood of having a heart attack soon. Both men and women who have a moderate risk of developing heart disease can benefit from this test, and it frequently provides these benefits before the onset of the condition’s symptoms.
Your Denver heart doctor will examine the situation and, based on their evaluation, establish the level of risk you pose to yourself before your appointment. If you possess more than one of the following risk indicators, you may be deemed to be at intermediate risk:
- An abnormally high blood pressure measurement for the patient’s age.
- Smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, poor cholesterol control, obesity, and a boring daily schedule devoid of interesting events are a few examples.
- A family history of cardiovascular disease with a confirmed diagnosis
In Light Of The Test Results, What Kinds Of Interpretations Are Acceptable?
After the radiologist has completed analyzing your exam, he or she will give you the coronary artery calcium score, also known as CACS for short. This score will indicate how likely it is that you may develop coronary artery disease in the years to come. If your calcium score is high, this may indicate that the arteries that provide blood to your heart have a significant amount of atherosclerosis, which is also commonly referred to as plaque. As a direct consequence of this, the likelihood that you may experience a coronary attack has increased.
You need to take this matter very seriously. To determine the state of your health right now, it is necessary to analyze the level of danger you present to other individuals. Alterations to one’s diet and way of life, when coupled with appropriate medical treatment, not only can halt the advancement of atherosclerosis but also, in rare instances, revert the disease.